This work by Marc Lejeune / Circus Marcus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

Moiteur d’une chaude nuit d’été
Moiteur d’une chaude nuit d’été is my first EP released when I was preparing Vous êtes quelqu’un de terriblement absent. So, you can listen to the first version of:
- Un triste soir d’été en bord de lac
- La rencontre
- Les accouplements répétitifs
- La chambre
To download it for free, just click on the « download » button under the playlist on the left or go on the Free Music Archive page of this album
Or, you can support me buying Moiteur d’une chaude nuit d’été and naming your price on Bandcamp
If you like playing piano, you can also download the scores of this album
To support me, you can also buy the music sheets book of Vous êtes quelqu’un de terriblement absent where you can find also the four piano pieces of Moiteur d’une chaude nuit d’été.
The artwork is the work of Cédric Volon.
