This work by Marc Lejeune / Circus Marcus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

In orbitas
In orbitas is the setlist of our first show called… In orbitas. It was a show melting Circus Marcus music with mask & gestual theater. In orbitas was born after studying theater during 4 years in Seville. For now, we don’t represent this show but you can see the trailer just here:
In this album, you can listen to old music piece but also some news created for this show like ÃŽnceput.
- La tapa del miércoles
- Manouch’
- Olashan
- Le soir j’me raconte des histoires dans la cave
- La valse du Tanvalacruchalo
- Les crocodiles mangent aussi les bonshommes Wizzards
- Aux puces No 6 – La Flor de Olmedo
- La tragédie de la femme à poils
- Búsqueda Exploratoria #007 – Rue Laide Coupe
- Le bal de Rémy | youtube
- Aux puces No 9
- Pompas de jabón | youtube
- Aux puces No 7
- Aux puces No 5 | youtube
- Les accouplements répétitifs
- Început | youtube
To download it for free, just click on the « download » button under the playlist on the left or go on the Free Music Archive page of this album
Or, you can support me buying In orbitas and naming your price on Bandcamp
Or, we already have few CD at home. If you want one, contact us by mail, make a paypal donation (>5€ for the cost and shipping) and we’ll be happy to send it to your place !
If you like playing piano, you can also download the scores of this album
The picture for the artwork was took by Luis Galván Ledesma
