This work by Marc Lejeune / Circus Marcus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

La tapa del día (LP)
This is the seventh album of Circus Marcus, the second one released in 2017. You can listen to 16 minimalistic kalimba songs. Yes, it’s a 100% kalimba album, mainly composed during my bike trips trough Europe.
- La brise (with wind)
- Burbujas de agua
- La tapa del sábado
- Le petit menuet de Bach | Youtube
- La tapa del miércoles
- intro_outro (solo kalimba)
- La penúltima del jueves | Youtube 1 – Youtube 2
- Galamus | Youtube
- L’épisode cévenol | Youtube 1 – Youtube 2
- La tapa del domingo
- La tapa del lunes
- Le Verrou de Lordat
- La tapa del martes
- La tapa del viernes
- Nana nanita
- La tapa improvisada
You can also buy the Compact disc of La tapa del día
What they said:
… 16 titres minimalistes mais néanmoins évocateurs ont un effet relaxant et réconfortant, telles ces bonnes vieilles couvertures dans lesquelles on se drape l’hiver au coin du feu…
